Work Anxiety Symptoms

The number of people experiencing unhealthy anxiety at work is staggering. But what are the work anxiety symptoms to look out for?

Unhealthy Work Anxiety is typically caused by:

1. Low self-esteem for various reasons;

2. Thinking you are going to be ‘found out’ that you’re not really fit for the job;

3. Feeling like you need to know the answer to EVERYTHING;

4. Being asked to do a presentation, where everyone will see how incompetent you really are (your perception of yourself).

Anxiety about going back to work after Lockdown:

Manage & Control Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety:


Trigger Situation:

Work Presentation


‘I can’t do it.’

‘Everyone will see how incompetent I am.’






Physical Symptoms:

Lack of sleep.


Throwing up.


Resulting Behavior:

Employ ‘Escape or Avoidance’ tactic.

Feel temporary relief.

Next Presentation’s Coming Up:

Vicious Circle starts again.


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Work Anxiety Symptoms:

1. Short-term, mild to moderate anxiety symptoms: feeling sick, hot, cold, shaky, sweaty;

2. Severe anxiety symptoms, going on for a long time: lack of sleep, lack of appetite, loss of interest in work/ social activities, may lead to a full-blown panic attacks, low mood;

3. Avoiding coming to work on ‘critical days’delivering a presentation, group meetings etc;

4. Escaping from work place just before the dreaded events take place.

Sounds familiar?

If it does, you may be experiencing Work Anxiety Symptoms.

But there are things you can do to TURN THINGS AROUND.

This is what you do:

a) Look honestly at the perceived danger. Is it real? What exactly are you afraid of? What is going on? Don’t stop until you come up with REAL REASONS FOR FEELING LIKE THIS.

b) Have you done this before? What did you do in similar situations? Why is it so different now? Get real with yourself, keep asking yourself these questions and remind yourself of previous successes in similar situations.

c) Escaping and/or avoiding situations you fear is not the way to help your Anxiety. TEST your fears- use F E A R (Face Everything And Recover) to stand up to UNHEALTHY WORK ANXIETY.

*Do you suffer from unhealthy Anxiety at work? Request complimentary phone consultation at: 

(All sessions & treatment plans are delivered ONLINE during Pandemic)

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